Considerations for choosing freeze dryer
The user should consider several details before choosing freeze dryer.
1. Decide the temperature of the capture section in accordance with samples to be dried or freezing point of solvent to be diluted.
2. Decide the capacity of the capture section considering the amount of samples to be tried once and the moisture content.
3. Decide the temperature range of the heat plate.
Freeze dryer for production is designed to adjust the heat of sublimation when drying from -47°C to +70°C by circulation heating medium on the heat plate to
increase productivity.
4. Recognizing samples’ characteristics – whether samples after drying can be exposed to air temperature or air pressure.
5. Choose drying type considering the next processing stage after drying samples.
Prepare appropriate accessories such as bulk tray, flask or vial, mini tray or acrylic drying chamber for drying type.
This prevents budget waste caused by purchasing unnecessary accessories and helps to go to the next stage.
6. Consider the budget
To decide the purpose of use and method is the wisest and important to purchase accessories with the best performance available within the budget. Also, it prevents
to purchase unnecessary devices or accessories or inappropriate equipment for the purpose in advance
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