
Sterilization autoclaves are widely used in microbiology, medicine, podiatry, tattooing, body piercing, veterinary science, mycology, dentistry, and prosthetics fabrication. They vary in size and function depending on the media to be sterilized.

Typical loads include laboratory glassware, other equipment and waste, surgical instruments and medical waste.[5]

A notable growing application of autoclaves is the pre-disposal treatment and sterilization of waste material, such as pathogenic hospital waste. Machines in this category largely operate under the same principles as conventional autoclaves in that they are able to neutralize potentially infectious agents by utilizing pressurized steam and superheated water. A new generation of waste converters is capable of achieving the same effect without a pressure vessel to sterilize culture media, rubber material, gowns, dressing, gloves, etc. It is particularly useful for materials which cannot withstand the higher temperature of a hot air oven.[6]  - Wikipedia


Front loading

SYSBENCH - Systec D Series: 23 - 200 Lt Front Load, Bench-top


  • 12 Litre - Selecta
  • 18 Litre - Selecta
  • 23 Litre - Systec
  • 45 Litre - Systec
  • 65 Litre - Systec
  • 90 Litre - Systec
  • 100 Litre - Systec
  • 150 Litre - Systec
  • 200 Litre - Systec

Options: (65 ~ 200 Litre models)

  • Fast heating
  • Fast cooling
  • Super drying
  • Vacuum
  • Exhaust air filtering
  • Printer


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Top loading



  • 30 Litre - Tomy
  • 50 Litre - Tomy
  • 70 Litre - Tomy



  • 2-speed cooling fans
  • Space saving lid (vertical opening)
  • Load temperature monitoring (option)
  • Data-logging output (option)
  • Programmable
  • Variable exhaust speed control


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General Options

  • Load monitoring and control
  • IANZ approved Data Logging (temperature and/or pressure) with date and time stamp

Safety and Compliance

  • All autoclaves comply with NZ Department of Labour and OSH safety regulations. 
  • Independent Design Verification has been performed for Alphatech Systems by SGS/M&I


If you have purchased one of our autoclaves, post your review here


Other Information and Links

F0 and Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) and D-value - what they mean and why they matter.

F0 Value: Typically, sterilisation is done at the standard temperature of 121 degC. If a product needs to be sterilised at a temperature other than 121 degC, then the sterilisation time must be changed. Read more ...

Importance and Determination of F0 Value in Sterilization

D - Value, Z - Value and F0 - Value Calculations


SAL and D-Value: Generally in sterilisation it is required to reach a SAL of 10^6 and an additional six log reduction. Read more ...

Log Reduction (D Value) and Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) in Sterilization

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