
The MK 6  incorporates the best of TLC, HPLC and GC with quick qualitative and quantitative analysis of separated compounds by FID (Flame Ionization Detector) and FPD (Flame Photometric Detector). This provides the chromatographer with a tool for separations in the field of Cosmetics, Food Additive, Lipid Analysis, Modified Bitumen, Anti-Epileptic Drugs, Additive Agents, Polymer Additives etc. The FPD allows for simultaneous determination of Phosphorous and Sulphur on the system.

The Iatroscan uses Chromorods, which are Quartz rods coated with Silica to perform like columns/TLC plates and use a Hydrogen flame to burn the separated samples for final analysis on the FID and FPD. 

The analysis of high boiling organic substances may cause problems in many cases. The IATROSCAN MK-6s offers with the combination of thin layer Chromatography and FID (MK-6 additional with FPD) interesting perspectives.

The TLC / FID ( -FPD ) Analytical System IATROSCAN MK-6(s) can be used in many different application fields like Plant Breeding,  Forestry, Fishery, Crude oil and carbon industry, carbon products, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, environmental pollution, food industry and so on.

The advantages of the IATROSCAN System are: 

  • it is possible to work with up to 10 Chromarods at the same time, 
  • many application fields, 
  • the Chromarods are reusable up to 100 times, 
  • 20-30 minutes analysing time (depending on method) .

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Sample results - for more details, see brochure

TLC results(1)