
Bioneer DNA/RNA Preparation Kits
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Bioneer utilizes 5 different types of nucleic acid extraction technologies to provide a range of options from simple, manual kits to fully automated extraction platforms.

When used with the ExiProgen™ instrument, ExiProgen™ DNA/ RNA Extraction Kits can automatically extract high quality nucleic acids from various sample types including blood, animal tissue, cell cultures and plant tissues. This product uses a 'Pre-Loaded Buffer Cartridge System' which provides user convenience and reproducibility by loading all necessary reagents within the kit. The pre-installed protocols are optimized for sample and target nucleic acid type to provide robust results run after run. The silica magnetic particles used in the product have high DNA/RNA binding capacity and were developed using in-house nanoparticle R&D expertise.

The AccuPrep® DNA/ RNA Extraction Kit uses a single spin column with glass micro fiber filters.
Bioneer provides various products for high-purity and high-yield Genomic DNA, Plasmid DNA, Viral RNA or fragment DNA. TheAccuPrep® Nano-Plus Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit uses Bioneer’s proprietary cell fragment and protein removal technology (KOR: 10-085043, Nucleic acid separation method and nucleic acid separation mixture using particle material) to reduce plasmid DNA prep time from the usual 30 minutes to a revolutionary 10 minutes. The nano-particles contained within the product form a complex with cellular debris, denatured proteins and chromosomal DNA to form a clear lysate that contains only plasmid DNA within just 1 minute (compared to the traditional 10 minutes), shortening the entire process to a mere 10 minutes.

The AccuPrep® DNA Extraction Kit for 96 well vacuum manifold is designed for high-throughput DNA extraction. The 96-well plate format kit is attached to a vacuum manifold (BioVac™ 96 vacuum manifold) to extract and purify DNA from up to 96 samples simultaneously.

The AccuPrep® Quick DNA Kit enables you to extract PCR-grade genomic DNA by incubation in a single tube. The product is based on Bioneer’s proprietary cell fragment and protein removal technology (KOR: 10-085043, Nucleic acid separation method and nucleic acid separation mixture using particle material) to extract genomic DNA from samples such as mouse or rat tail tips without the complex workflow commonly associated with this type of extraction.

Finally, the PrepMate and AccuZol products use traditional organic solvent DNA/RNA extraction methods. These products contain phenol and chaotrotic salts to stop the activity of various nucleases and extract high-quality nucleic acids. These products are especially suitable for large input volumes or a manual workflow.