
Quadra4 automated liquid handling workstation
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Whether you are using the Sigma-Aldrich - Empore 96-Well SPE plates, the Waters - OasisR Elution Plates or the 3M - Empore 96 Well Plates, Tomtec has the laboratory automation solution to simplify and accelerate your SPE work-flow. Our Quadra4 Workstation can pipette mid- to non-polar solvents and aqueous solution in the same work-flow. The fixed carriage head can support a wide range of tips from 20uL to 450uL as well as the Agilent Bond Elute OMIX tips. The Quadra4 is the only liquid handling workstation that delivers a programmable positive pressure and vacuum level for sorbent-bed preparation and the SPE process - delivering consistent results in record time at the highest possible concentration with zero cross contamination.
With the addition of a dual plate stacker and pick & place arm, it is possible to program a full walk-away SPE work-flow in as little as 30" of work-bench at a quarter of the cost of competitive solutions. Lastly, at the completion of the SPE work-flow, our Automated Plate Sealer will hermetically seal the assay for incubation and/or storage.

Bioanalytical Applications

  • 450uL tips with a cannula to access deep well plates
  • Aqueous, to organic, to aqueous, without a tip change
  • Manual or automated vacuum box
  • Stacker in-feed/out-feed for microplates and reservoirs provides walk away automation
  • Six station shuttle to support multiple microplates and reservoirs
  • SPE Liquid/Liquid extraction, optional positive pressure SPE
  • Ultrasonic tip washing

General Capabilities

  • Flexibility to support 96 well pipetting with either 450uL, 250uL, 50uL, or 20uL clear plastic tips
  • Automated serial dilution with either 8 or 12 tips
  • Pipette multiple reagents, within the same tip, using air gap separation to accelerate work-flows
  • Non contact dispensing
  • Reformat 96 to 384 and/or 1536 well assays

Precise Assay Automation

  • Precision 96 well positive displacement pipetting at 60uL to 0.5uL @ 2.5%
  • Precision 384 well positive displacement pipetting at 60uL to 0.5uL @ 2.5%
  • Automated 96 to 384  to 1536 reformatting

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